June 26, 2024

Pursuing Christian Holiness

Hallowing God's name leads to experiencing His holiness in daily living. For followers of Christ a holy life is the greatest of all human privileges and goals. However, many still find reasons for avoiding the biblical pursuit of Christian holiness.

Generally speaking, the very idea of a holy living seems outdated, something reserved for the elites of the faith. For most Christians it's an outdated religious ideal of an impossible life of perfection. For many it's a legalistic quagmire which is not relevant for today. Others see a holy life as a sign of someone just wanting to be better in appearance than they really are.  

Isn't holiness for religious professionals, the prerogative of affluent people who have the time and resources to focus on the "nice" things of life? Haven't you seen those disgraced ministers and religious leaders on the news? Aren't we just asking for trouble when we claim to be like Jesus? Besides, who wants to become a marginalized prude?

So go the questions on and on. But the call of the Lord's Prayer also goes on and on. (Matthew 6:9-13) Christ calls us to resist the usual pursuit of holiness questions and just determine in our hearts to reverence God's name. And in the process, we will be hallowed by God. The seductions and failures will continue to come, of course, but so will the transforming grace of God.

The Bible challenges us and warns us: "Pursue peace with everyone, and the holiness without which no one will see the LORD" (Hebrews 12:14). The Word of God is saying that as we hallow His name, we come to realize that it's His holiness which enables our fulfillment in life. As we hallow God's name, He confronts everything that is destructive within us. Our declaring His name "hallowed" is the very holiness God desires and makes possible for us.  

And what keeps us from hallowing God's name? Sin. Sin insists on doing things my way for and by myself apart from God and others in defiance of God, even if it leads to my own destruction. We're created to live in loving relationship with God. But to honor the "I" of myself instead of honoring the holy God of the Bible destroys one's very life and entire future. 

To pray and live the Lord's Prayer, hallowing God's name, is the total opposite of such an individualistic, selfish rebuke thrown in God's face. The life of holiness is the great reversal of all that is destructive in life. It's the ultimate medicine for the sickness of sin.  

Being made new in God's image is the only way to become the individuals God created us to be. The pursuit of Christian holiness begins and ends with hallowing God's holy name. 

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